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Holiday Weight Loss

6 Simple Techniques For Summer Diet Success

Copyright (c) 2006 Richard Adams

Summer is the best season of all to lose weight. The weather means exercising outdoors is fun and pleasant (and either cheap or free). There is also a wealth of natural, healthy food around such as fresh fruit, vegetables and seafood just waiting to help you eat yourself slim.

Combine these two factors with some self-discipline and you'll be well set up for your summer diet. So let's break this down into a simple 6 step plan which if followed virtually guarantees you'll lose weight fast, effectively and safely.

>> Click here for the Fat Loss for Idiots diet and achieve permanent weight loss

1) Focus Is Everything

There is no point in starting a diet half-heartedly. You'll only get half-hearted results. Which will make you even les likely to try again in the
future. So focus your mind, decide you are going to give 100% to this short period of time to get the very best results possible.

Give total focus to every aspect whether it's exercising or preparing healthy, nutritious meals. Don't "cheat" by missing exercise sessions or buying takeaway. After your vacation you can do what you like. Until then, every time you give in you reduce your results.

2) Eat Six Meals A Day

Spread out your eating habits to consume 5 to 6 small meals a day. Doing so will greatly increase your body's fat burning ability and will reduce the excess calories flowing around your body which can be laid down as fat.

Each meal should consist of a portion of protein, one of carbs and some water to drink. Try to eat several portions of fruit and vegetables during the day to maximize your intake of vitamins and minerals.

Suitable protein sources include cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, seafood, skimmed milk and protein drinks from the health food store. Suitable carbohydrate sources include pasta, rice, jacket potatos, cereal,
fruit, vegetables and brown bread.

3) Cut Out "Treats"

Cut out the lattes, the sugar on your cereal, the hotdog at the football game. Think 100% healthy. Don't just cut out these "treats" that you think you've "earned" after a hard days work.

Try making small changes that will get you healthier by allowing you to consume less calories or burn off more. Don't snack between meals. Walk instead of driving if possible. Take the stairs not the elevator and so on. All these small changes will add up to make a very real difference to your life.

4) Aerobic Exercise

Aim to run, cycle or swim for 20-30 minutes 5 days a week, before breakfast. Doing it before breakfast means you'll be burning fat rather than the energy in the meal you just ate. Doing it each day gets you into a pattern, a cycle, that becomes easy to stick to after a few weeks. Because when you make it easy, to the point that you don't even have to think about it it becomes automatic.

5) Anaerobic Exercise

Muscle uses up a lot of energy to support. By adding some muscle to your body you will naturally burn more energy even when at rest so try working out with weights either at the gym or at home 2-3 evenings a week to increase your results. The fat burning ability of the body is also greater after weights as opposed to cardio exercise so you'll burn fat as well as putting on muscle.

6) Stay Motivated

Find ways to keep yourself going. Some people find it easy to start a diet, but hard to keep going for weeks or months. Others find it hard to start, but that it gets easier after a while. What type of person are you?! Try to work it out and use online forums, exercise magazines and fitness-oriented friends to keep you on track until your vacation.

Follow these 6 simple steps and you'll be losing weight in no time - quite
possibly a pound or two even in your first week.

>> Click here for Tom's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program.

>> Click here for the Fat Loss for Idiots diet and achieve permanent weight loss

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About the author

Richard Adams is a keen advocate of healthy diet and weight loss programs having experimented on himself with various programs over the years. His latest site will teach you everything you need to know about Summer Diets -> http://www.summerdiets.co.uk